El Tubo Completo 2004
arched steel building system, wood, audio-visual equipment
2004 Whitney Biennial
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY

Re-configuring prefabricated Quonset hut parts into a full circle, El Tubo was a large metal vessel on plinths.  Akin to a poorly considered bomb shelter, only partially concealed from the Madison Ave. streetscape, it functioned as a hermetic addendum to the museum. The enterable sanctum/cinema, bulging out of the museum’s sunken sculpture garden, projected the subliminal horrors of the suburban nighttime landscape in Deborah Stratman’s film, In Order Not To Be Here. Besides wanting to make the largest work that the Breuer sculpture garden had ever housed, the project gleaned inspiration from the hidden infrastructure of cities (tunnels, pipes, conduits), as well as Frederick Kiesler’s experimental Guild Cinema in lower Manhattan. 

Deborah Stratman - In Order Not To Be Here sample

Kevin Drumm - Organ sample